Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"Doing" Part of Internet Safety
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
301 Personal Learning Theory
My personal learning theory takes into consideration all the theories that were discussed in this class. I like some aspects of certain theories better than others, and so I have taken pieces of different theories and tried to work them together in my mind. My experiences I have had during practicum have also influenced my own learning theory.
To begin explaining my personal learning theory, I would like to start with Vygotsky. I have seen how real the zone of proximal development is as I was teaching and how when teachers teach in this zone, student understanding is greatly increased. This idea is supported by the phrase: “what I can do with help today I can do by myself tomorrow.” How do the students reach a position where they can work independently? Through scaffolding that the teacher sets up so that the student is more supported in the learning in the beginning and as the learning continues, the responsibility is transferred more and more to the student. This set up of responsibility is known as assisted learning. These ideas of Vygotsky are part of my learning theory.
As I was reviewing social cognitive theories, I wanted to include some of those ideas into my own theory. For example, I believe that self-efficacy plays an important role in student learning; if students believe they are capable of learning, then they are more likely to do better. Similarly, the teacher’s sense of self-efficacy is a critical part of student learning. This is one of the few characteristics that teachers have control over that is correlated with how students perform in the classroom. I noticed that as I was more confident as a teacher during practicum, the students became more responsive. Also, modeling is an important concept from the observational learning theory that I strongly support. It is extremely helpful for students to have someone model the behavior that is expected of them. When I used this principle when I was teaching, it definitely helped solidify the expectations for whatever activity we were doing. Another aspect of this model that I include in my theory is self-regulation. This is when students learn to control their own behavior. It is an important skill for students to learn. As I taught, I would have the students check their voice levels and check themselves to see if they were on task. This helped prompt the students to evaluate their own behavior.
Looking at the cognitive approach and how the memory works helped shape my theory also. In particular, it is important to use priming when beginning a lesson. Activating background knowledge helps when teaching a new concept or even when continuing an ongoing unit. It adds flow to the lesson and the students are able to focus better. Another important principle is elaboration. Connecting new information to existing knowledge is a way for students to make sense of new information and allows them to figure out how it fits in with what they already know. It is a good way for them to contextualize what they are learning. Organization also helps students’ learning. When material is organized, students will understand it better and will be more likely to remember it in the future.
The ideas from the course on social processes also influence my personal theory. For example, collaboration is important in any learning environment; it is necessary to respect others’ differences and build on the knowledge that other people have. Similarly, cooperation in the classroom is also essential. Learning how to work together for a common goal will help students throughout their lives. By engaging in cooperative learning, students can work in small groups which help each other learn. This is the kind of learning I want to have in my classroom.
Another important part of my learning theory depends on the student’s locus of causality. When a student is intrinsically motivated, I have found that they focus better on learning activities and strive to think and learn about the subject. However, when students are extrinsically motivated, they are easily distracted and become off task. If teachers can try to harness the intrinsic motivation, it will encourage lifelong learning because learning is its own reward.
These ideas from this course have helped shape my own personal learning theory. I believe that these ideas coexist and that the various theories help explain each other. Learning is a complex process and I do not believe that one theory explains all aspects of learning, which is why I chose to work from a combination of the theories.
301 Learning Log and Reflection
I also learned from my mistakes as I went along. For example, when baking pie crust, you should poke holes in the bottom of it or it will expand and a weird bubble will form. Also, poking the bubble will just make the filling fall through the poked hole and not make the bubble go to the bottom of the pan if it has already cooled. However, if when you make pizza and the cheese forms a weird bubble, poking it when it is in the oven will deflate the cheese bubble and it will no longer look like fluffy pizza. These little nuances of baking are best dealt with when experienced. I’m not sure I ever would have come across those situations if I hadn’t taken the time to make both of those dishes. The mistakes I made while cooking helped me realize that mistakes are a helpful way to increase learning. Because I have had these experiences, I am more likely to remember how to fix these mistakes than if I had done it correctly the first time. Although learning from mistakes is one way to have knowledge become part of your long term memory, it is certainly not the only way; doing things correctly the first time does help reinforce the correct behavior so that you remember what to do next time.
Learning Log
1/16/09 cooked chicken 7-8pm 1 hour
1/23/09 pizza crust 6-7pm 1 hour
1/30/09 enchiladas 7-8pm 1 hour
2/28/09 chocolate lollipops 9-9:30pm ½ hour
3/13/09 pizza 7-8:30pm 1 ½ hours
3/14/09 chocolate pie 2-3pm 1 hour
4/4/09 peanut butter cookies 5-6pm 1 hour
New Ideas from Presentations
Monday, April 6, 2009
Reading about Internet Safety
One thing that I will do as a teacher and/or parent is talk about internet safety with my children so that they are aware of the dangers. Also, I will have them talk about what rules they think it is important to follow. If children come up with the rules themselves, then they are more likely to follow them. By having this discussion, they will see why it is important to make these decisions before a dangerous situation presents itself.
One way that I can have a positive influence on family and friends is to let them know about the things I've learned from my reading. I think the 7 things that Elder Ballard mentioned in his article were especially helpful, and I am going to share them with my mom. Also, when talking about the influence of technology, I can give positive alternatives about how to use technology in fun, productive ways that others may not have thought of before.
Learning from other presentations
Friday, April 3, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Shared Reading with Technology!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Shared Reading Idea
Friday, March 6, 2009
Classroom Technology Inventory
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
301 Applied Lesson Plan: Social Constructivism
At the end of this activity, I would have students work in pairs and discuss diagrams of the different types of faults. They would label the faults and discuss how they know which kind of fault to classify the diagrams. This is a good way for the students to apply their knowledge to a new situation.
In my lesson, I used cultural tools by having the students look at diagrams. These kinds of tools help them to break down the knowledge they learned in the instructional conversation and apply to a different setting. I also tried to make sure that this lesson would be able to take into account the students' zone of proximal development, which is what a student can do with help that they cannot do on their own. Although all the students will not be at the same level, it is important to try and reach as many of the students that I can. I tried to do this by realizing that most students would have a difficult time just reading about faults and trying to figure out what they actually look like. By having the students model these faults themselves, they are hopefully able to understand the concepts better than if they had tried on their own to understand them. This lesson also has opportunities for teachers to scaffold student learning. This can be done by reminding the students of the characteristics of each fault before students work in pairs to identify the faults in diagrams. By doing this the teacher supports their learning and helps them be ready to work by themselves. The relationship between the learner and the more knowledgeable learner, the teacher in this case, is important to consider also. It is important that this relationship is built on trust and understanding. When teachers and students have this kind of relationship, there is a safe learning environment and students are more willing to take risks in order to understand the concepts. While part of the goal is for the learner to gain knowledge from the more knowledgeable other, it is also important for the teacher to take advantage of opportunities to learn from the students. There is always more to learn and different perspectives and explanations that are good to consider. This is why it is important to have a solid relationship of respect and an attitude of learner between the learner and the more knowledgeable other.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
TPACK for Virtual Tour
The pedagogy for this activity is to teach the students about Lincoln and his life in a way that makes him real, not just some old President. By going to places that he lived, students will learn more about the things that he did and how he impacted history. A tour of a person's life gives insight into that person and establishes a connection between the learner and the person being studied. This is why teaching about Abraham Lincoln through a tour of main events of his life fits well with the content. The boring facts on a textbook page come to life when using this method to teach about Abraham Lincoln and his role in the Civil War.
For this activity I am using Google Earth to create a virtual tour. This technology fits well with the content and pedagogy. By creating a virtual tour, students can personalize the content more than if they were reading the text by themselves. Google Earth has Wikipedia articles that are helpful for students to do their own research. This helps them become owners of the information, because they discovered it for themselves. Also, by creating a path, students will see the connection of events through Abraham Lincoln's life. The content of the Civil War comes to life when it is learned through the technology medium of Google Earth.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Virtual Tour Plan
Location | Activity | Google Earth Content |
1. Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site | Read Wikipedia article- What was the Lincoln's farm called? | Wikipedia research |
2. Washington, D.C. | Look at pictures of Lincoln's first inaugrual address- What is one thing he said in his speech? | Outside link to pictures and address |
3. Gettysburg National Military Park | Listen to Gettysburg address | Link to Gettysburg address |
4. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site 5. Lincoln's Tomb State Historic Site | View pictures of interior and read wikipedia article- What play was Lincoln watching when he was assassinated? Read article and measure distance that the funeral train traveled to bring Lincoln to his grave | Wikipedia research Measure pathway |
Details of image overlay / path / polygon: | Pathway between Ford's Theatre and Lincoln's tomb, overlay of pictures of Lincoln's tomb |
301 Applied Lesson Plan: Developmental Cognitivism
Although this helps us better understand our students, it is not enough. Every student learns in ways that are specific to them. In other words, there is a uniqueness of individual learning that always exists for each student that is in a classroom. This is why it is important to learn about each individual student and what helps them most to learn and understand content. In order to facilitate learning about the content of the types of earthquakes, I would make sure that the students have an experience that involves action. This lesson already has an activity like this in it; it uses hand movements to help the students understand what the types of faults look like. This activity helps the students be involved in the discovering of new information. Another important factor to learning when using the developmental cognitivism approach is the necessity of social interaction. Interacting with others is important because it helps us construct our knowledge in a social context. This particular lesson plan does not take into account this need, so I would modify it by having the students quiz each other on the types of faults. They could model with their hands and their partner could tell them which fault they were modeling. They could also work together as pairs to come up with lists of characteristics that each fault has. This would be a way to incorporate social interaction into the lesson.
There are other concepts of developmental cognitivism that are beneficial to consider when thinking about this approach. For example, it may be necessary that students adapt their previous thoughts about earthquakes when they learn new information. This could happen if students thought that earthquakes only happen suddenly without any warning. The conflict of previous knowledge and new knowledge that the student is experiencing is called disequilibrium. By realizing that the types of faults determine how an earthquake will happen, they will adapt their thinking to fit the new information. When the student realizes that their previous knowledge does not help them understand the new information, that is when they use assimilation to fit their their thinking with the new information. They students adapt their earthquake schema, or organized systems of thinking, to fit into what they have just learned. Also, this lesson can incorporate guided discovery learning to help students learn and adapt to the new information. This could be done by having the teacher not do so much direct instruction, but instead allow the students to notice the characteristics of each fault type and to come up with conclusions on their own. These are some of the ways this lesson can be descirbed from a cognitive development point of view.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"Tryin' On Clothes" Digital Storybook
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
301 Applied Lesson Plan: Behaviorism
When teaching this lesson, I will encourage class participation by using reinforcement. If I gave the student praise about how their response showed a good thought process, that would be considered positive reinforcement because I am trying to strengthen behavior (participation) by presenting a desired stimulus (praise) after the behavior. If I told my students that if they participated and showed me they understood the concepts through their written paragraphs, then I would excuse them from doing clean up crew before recess, that would be negative reinforcement. It would be negative reinforcement because I would be trying to strengthen the behavior (participation and understanding concepts) by removing an aversive stimulus (picking up scraps before going to recess).

Monday, February 9, 2009
Digital Storytelling with TPACK
This activity has a hands-on approach for the content. By having the students arrange or create the language for their storybooks, it allows them to understand how the language works together to form the whole. By having students also create images to go along with their text, it helps reinforce comprehension. This is why this activity is a good way to teach the content.
To complete the TPACK formula, we need to look at how we use technology in our activity. The technology we use in this activity is a digital camera and a program to put the images together in a storybook form. The technology helps support both the content because they are the medium through which the students are expressing their ideas. The technology also supports our pedagogy for teaching because it allows the students to take control of their learning. Students can record the images they create with the digital camera and then arrange the images to correspond with the text to create the digital storybook. This project allows the students to make decisions on what will be best for their text and to implement those decisions. This is how all the components come together for TPACK in this activity.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
301 Applied Lesson Plan: Cognition
This lesson supports cognitive learning. For the beginning of the lesson, I would show before and after pictures of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. This would catch the attention of the students because they would be focused on the stimulus of the strong visual images. The processing of this stimulus into information is done initially in the sensory memory. Students process the stimulus and give it meaning and interpretation, such as the meaning that earthquakes change the Earth's surface in dramatic ways. This is known as perception. As we discuss and demonstrate the different types of faults, this knowledge will be in the students' working memories, which is where the information is that you are focusing on at a specific time. As we work on the mnemonics and connecting new knowledge to previous knowledge, hopefully the short-term knowledge about faults will be transferred to long-term memory where the students will be able to access it in the future. Through this lesson, the students will be able to know that earthquakes change the surface of the Earth, which is an example of declarative knowledge. This is how the lesson can be applied from a cognitive learning viewpoint.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
TPACK and Science Activity
We chose to teach our activity the way we did because it gives the students an opportunity to visualize how the surface of the Earth is changed. Instead of trying to picture this image in their heads, they can actually see what it looks like. They also can explore the terrain for themselves and come up with their own conclusions. This is a type of discovery learning, which is a good way to teach science. Using this method to teach our content demonstrates the PK part of TPACK.
The technology we used for activity was Google Earth. This fit well with both the content and our pedagogy for teaching it. Google Earth shows the content in a real-life way, showing the topography as well as actual photographs. This enables students to visualize how volcanoes and erosion actually affect the Earth's surface. This technology also allows the students to explore the locations themselves, which helps support our view on effective teaching. Incorporating all these components into our activity demonstrates how TPACK can be used to teach science.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tech Savvy Teachers
As Tech Savvy teachers, we want to give our students the opportunity to use content-specific technology tools. We know that these technologies allow our studen

Google Earth enables students to view geographic locations throughout the world. We began by looking at the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii. Google Earth allows the students view the terrain of the actual volcano by using the 3D feature and by zooming in to the volcano. Students can move the focus around the terrain so they can explore the volcano in depth. As seen in the picture below, Google Earth also offers informational articles when this specific box is clicked. In this example, a Wikipedia article shows information about Mauna Loa.

This technology of Google Earth allowed students to observe and analyze data in the form images. Because the images were three-dimensional, students were able to gain a deeper understanding of the content than they would have through a lecture with pictures. The following image of the Grand Canyon exemplifies the kind of images that students are able to manipulate to explore geological landforms. Investigating these landforms engages students in meaningful learning. This is one example of how tech savvy teachers use technology to enhance learning.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Science Technology Explored
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
301 Observational Learning Report
For the lesson, we discussed one of President Hinckley’s talks about faith, which we all read before we came. Brother Gibbs had a few points listed that we discussed. I noticed, however, that he let the students do more talking than he as the teacher was doing. He was adding comments, but overall the student talk was greater than the teacher talk. This was a good strategy because it allowed the students to gain from each other’s knowledge and insights. It was a good balance and I felt like I learned a lot from what others said as well as what Brother Gibbs said. The lesson that we had on faith was uplifting and I feel like one of the only things I would have changed would have been to have more time for the actual lesson. I hadn’t analyzed a teacher’s style in a religious setting, but I found that Brother Gibbs definitely has good teaching strategies to help his students gain more knowledge.